"5 Epic Trips. 7 Stunning Regions. One Ultimate Guide!" 🏍️
This Tour Book is the result of my 5 motorcycle adventures across 7 Romania’s most breathtaking regions – Maramureș, Bucovina, Moldova, Transylvania, Wallachia, Crișana, and Banat.
Countless hours of research, planning, and riding – so you don’t have to. Just grab the guide, hit the road, and enjoy the best of Romania on two wheels!
Ride smarter, not harder – I’ve already learned the hard way, so you don’t have to!😃
Instant Access – Right after purchase, you’ll receive an email with a download link.
Easy Setup – Save the files to your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Ride Stress-Free – Each day’s route & full travel plan in a handy PDF.
No planning. No guesswork. Just pure adventure!
On Your Smartphone (Android & iOS) – Open GPX/KML routes in free navigation apps like OsmAnd, Maps.me, or LOCUS Map for seamless turn-by-turn guidance.
On Your GPS Device – Using Garmin, TomTom, or BMW Navigator? Just upload the GPX tracks directly, and you're ready to ride!
No complicated setup. No hassle. Just plug, play & explore!
Each day, simply load the route and enjoy the journey.
No random detours, no boring highways! Unlike Google Maps, which pushes you onto busy main roads, these routes are handpicked for motorcyclists – scenic, exciting, and adventure-packed!
Follow the best tracks, not just any tracks! Download & ride now!
Shortcut or Scenic Adventure? The Choice is Yours!
❌ Google Maps: Fastest route from A to B… but say goodbye to epic views and thrilling roads.
✅ Tour Book & Routes: Handpicked, breathtaking routes that turn every ride into an unforgettable adventure.
Choose the ride, not just the destination!
Spend Hours Planning or Just Start Riding?
❌ Endless searching, forum scrolling, and piecing routes together… Sounds exhausting, right?
✅ Or… you can use our ready-made Tour Book & Routes and spend that time riding, relaxing, and making memories!
Why struggle when you can ride smarter? The Choice is Yours!
Pay for Parking or Park for Free? Your Call!
❌ Overpriced parking & unexpected fines (like €3.5/h in Florence!)
✅ Handpicked FREE motorcycle-only parking spots = more money for fuel & fun!
A few free spots and your Tour Book & Routes pays for itself!
Guess Your Route or Ride with Confidence? Your Choice!
❌ Unverified GPX tracks = dead ends, missed turns & frustrating U-turns on a loaded bike.
✅ Our tested routes = clear waypoints, epic POIs & road quality insights.
Stop guessing—ride smarter & enjoy the journey!
Wasted Miles or the Ride of a Lifetime? You Decide!
❌ "The road is the goal"... until you're stuck on endless straight highways and racking up boring miles.
✅ Tour Book & Routes = twisty, exciting routes + epic places + cultural gems, all seamlessly planned for you.
Ditch the guesswork—make every mile unforgettable!
Total Randomness or a Well-Planned Adventure? Your Call!
❌ "Let’s wing it!" sounds fun… until you miss the best spots & scramble for last-minute lodging.
✅ Our epic routes, safe stays & must-see attractions, all mapped out for you.
Plan less, ride more—make every mile count!
Your Ride, Your Rules – Total Flexibility!
✅ Follow the full plan or tweak it to match your style.
✅ Skip, extend, or modify – you’re in control.
✅ Castles, caves, mountain passes? Pick what excites YOU!
No rigid schedules - just pure riding freedom!
Easy Uploads – Load routes to your Android/iOS smartphone or Garmin, TomTom, BMW Navigator in seconds
7-Day Trip – A fully detailed day-by-day itinerary, ready to view on your smartphone, tablet, or in print.
No Tech Headaches – Just download, follow the route & enjoy the ride!
Practical tips, real costs & expert advice
12 Free Campsites & 3 Recommended Campgrounds – sleep under the stars stress-free!
3 Bonus Off-Road Tracks – explore deeper, with easy returns to asphalt
Essential Motorcycle Prep Guide – make sure your bike & gear are adventure-ready
Ultimate Packing Checklist – everything you need (tools, camping gear, personal items & more)
5 Extra Bonuses!
⭐12 pages of solid, must-know knowledge!⭐
Ania Czurak
“Powrót po dłuższym urlopie macierzyńskim do pracy był dla mnie ciężkim zderzeniem z rzeczywistością. Potrzebowałam pomocy - co chcę robić dalej? Jak zmienić mój kierunek, bo to co robiłam jest kompletnie dla mnie satysfakcjonujące. I tak trafiłam na ten kurs"
Ania z Analityka Finansowego pracującego od 10 lat w korpo odkryła, że chce zajmować się rozwojem ludzi. Z zerowym doświadczeniem, ale z kursem i moją pomocą - dziś jest Menedżerem rekrutacji i jest postrzegana jako Ekspert w tym temacie (!) występując też w mediach.
Sylwia Bernat
"Na kurs Eli natknęłam się akurat w okresie, kiedy zdałam sobie sprawę, że moje życie zawodowe nie wygląd tak, jak jakbym chciała. Nie miałam wtedy pomysłu jak to zmienić, a jednocześnie bałam się podjąć radykalne kroki. Ela zmobilizowała mnie, abym zajrzała w głąb siebie - potrzebujesz tego, kiedy masz już dobrze po 30-tce i nie chcesz podejmować decyzji o zmianie ad hoc! Te odkrycia zmieniły moje życie! I chcę podkreślić - nie jest ważne ile mamy lat, zawsze mamy czas na to, aby zmienić swoją drogę!"
Natalia Łajdych
Szukając inspiracji co do moich dalszych kroków w rozwoju zawodowym natrafiłam na Elę i kurs. I to była moja najlepsza inwestycja! Bardzo zależało mi na przeanalizowaniu mojej przeszłości zawodowej, wyciągnięciu wniosków i nakreśleniu nowej drogi. Dzięki ćwiczeniom i wskazówkom Eli mogłam spojrzeć na siebie, swoje wątpliwości “co dalej?” z odpowiedniej perspektywy i znaleźć doskonałą odpowiedź na dalszy etap mojej kariery. Gdyby nie te pytania, te odpowiedzi nie byłabym teraz w kompletnie innym miejscu w moim życiu!
Weronika Czarnecka
“Jako dziecko marzyłam, aby zostać lekarzem. Mając więcej niż 30 lat 😉 wiedziałam, że nie chcę zaczynać od początku. Ale jak połączyć “dziecięce marzenia” z dotychczasowym doświadczeniem i ułożyć dla siebie nową, pełną pasji i spełnienia, ścieżkę zawodową? Ela jest w tym mistrzem. To dzięki jej doświadczeniu, jej narzędziom, jej ćwiczeniom udało się to osiągnąć. Nie zostałam lekarzem, ale zostałam blisko tematu “zdrowia ludzi” i to, co wymyśliłam sobie, jako swój plan dziś jest już rzeczywistością.
Hi, I'm Andrzej. Traveling is my life. I've always been fascinated by exploring new places, discovering different cultures, and experiencing adventures that leave lasting memories.
For the past 18 years, my dad and I have covered over 95,000 km on motorcycles, riding through some of the most breathtaking places in Europe: the Balkans, Georgia, Turkey, Wales, Ireland, Sardinia, Corsica, Spain, the Pyrenees, Portugal… and many more that still call for another visit!
Today, I travel with my wife and two daughters in a 4x4, passing on the love of adventure and the thrill of discovering new horizons. This year, we're heading to Morocco—because the passion for exploration never fades.
I have one dream: to show my girls all the incredible places I once explored on two wheels with my dad. Because the best adventures are the ones shared with those we love! 😊
Hi, I'm Andrzej. Traveling is my life. I've always been fascinated by exploring new places, discovering different cultures, and experiencing adventures that leave lasting memories.
For the past 18 years, my dad and I have covered over 95,000 km on motorcycles, riding through some of the most breathtaking places in Europe: the Balkans, Georgia, Turkey, Wales, Ireland, Sardinia, Corsica, Spain, the Pyrenees, Portugal… and many more that still call for another visit!
Today, I travel with my wife and two daughters in a 4x4, passing on the love of adventure and the thrill of discovering new horizons. This year, we're heading to Morocco - because the passion for exploration never fades.
I have one dream: to show my girls all the incredible places I once explored on two wheels with my dad. Because the best adventures are the ones shared with those we love! 😊
Romania - Apuseni
Romania - Maramures
Albania - Theth
Alps - Stelvio
Alps - Dolomites
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czy pobrany plan podróży i trasy tracą ważność?
Pliki nigdy nie tracą ważności. Po pobraniu na smartfon, tablet lub komputer masz je na zawsze. Możesz kupić dzisiaj, a na wyprawę pojechać za tydzień, miesiąc, rok, itd.
W e-mailu po zakupie otrzymasz link do pobrania. Każdy plik możesz pobrać 3 razy (na pobranie masz aż 6 miesięcy).
How can I make a payment?
You can pay in the way that’s most convenient for you (PayPal, Stripe, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or with a Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card). We use trusted, secure payment gateways to ensure that all transactions are safe. Rest assured, we work with industry-standard systems to protect your information and provide a smooth payment experience.
When will I receive the email with the purchased product?
You will receive an email with the files shortly after completing your purchase. Please allow a few minutes for the transaction to process. If you don’t see the email in your inbox, make sure to check your spam or junk folder. If you still haven’t received it, feel free to contact us and we’ll assist you.
I want to buy a larger quantity, will I get a discount?
Yes, if you want to purchase more than 5 guides at once, please email us at info@tripplanner.pro, and we will send you a personalized discount offer.
Additionally, for all our customers who: have purchased, like the guide, are satisfied, and record a video review for us, we have a special offer: a 50% discount on any guide of your choice. If you'd like to take advantage of this offer, please email us at info@tripplanner.pro
Can I share the purchased files with my friends?
Each purchase is personalized (all PDF/GPX/KML files contain your details). If the tracks or PDFs are sold, shared, or sent to someone without the author's knowledge, legal consequences will follow. Please respect our creative work; the guide is for your personal use only. Thank you!
If you're traveling in a group, encourage your friends to buy their own "Ultimate Tour Book & Ready-to-Ride Routes". For each of them, it's just a few beers or a good meal at a restaurant, but for us, it means growth and the opportunity to create more amazing trips for you! Thank you!
How do I upload tracks to my navigation system, as I've never done it before?
In the Tour Book PDF document we provided, there is a step-by-step text instruction and links to videos showing how to upload tracks to the recommended free apps: OSMAND (for GPX files) and MAPS.ME (for KML files), as well as to motorcycle navigation systems Garmin, TomTom, and BMW Navigator.
Will the routes work in Google Maps?
Google Maps is nothing more than an algorithm that takes you on the shortest route from point A to point B (which works well when you need to get to a hotel or campsite, for example). But by doing so, you miss out on the most interesting and scenic routes.
Our specially planned routes are designed for navigation systems that follow tracks. That’s why we recommend using the OsmAnd/Locus/DMD2 app (for GPX files) or Maps.me (for KML files), or navigation devices from TomTom, Garmin, or BMW Navigator. With our tracks, you can be sure you're riding truly scenic and interesting routes.
You have some interesting countries marked as "Coming Soon." When will they be ready?
We’re working hard on it and promise to systematically release all our previous guides in English. Please follow our fan page and subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about every new English language version!
My guarantee is simple: Follow my plan. Ride the adventure. Love it – or get your money back! If you’re not satisfied after your trip, just write to me. I’ll refund 100% – no questions asked.
I’m serious. I wouldn’t offer this if I wasn’t 100% sure you’ll love it.
No risk. No doubts. Just epic rides waiting for you!
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